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Opening Hours: Mn-Fr: 10 am - 07 pm | St: 10 am - 5 pm

How do you
get flow brows?

Unlike other microblading procedures, flow brows utilize a thinner, more flexible blade that allows us to create natural-looking brows using slim flowing strokes. This procedure is semi-permanent and can last between six to eight months.

How do you
get flow brows?

Unlike other microblading procedures, flow brows utilize a thinner, more flexible blade that allows us to create natural-looking brows using slim flowing strokes. This procedure is semi-permanent and can last between six to eight months.

Flow Brows

This procedure is semi-permanent and can last between six to eight months. A follow-up session after 30 days will typically be required to ensure that the pigment in your skin has healed. At this time, we may also add extra strokes to enhance your brows even further.

Why are they the best solution
for modern women?

Well-defined brows are considered a mark of elegance and a sign of good maintenance. When eyebrows become thin, they leave gaps and lose their shape.The traditional way to fill your brows and shape them was through makeup. While various products are available, perfectly applying them can be a hassle, especially with a busy schedule. As flow brows eliminate the daily requirement to define eyebrows, flow brows are considered an attractive, stress-free solution.

What are the benefits of flow brows?

Pricing flow brows